Lakota was brought into our rescue in August of 2019. In the first year of opening our doors we've seen many different "cases" of horses, some just ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time, others because of emotional distress, and in Lakota's case in particular it was because of her physical health. While at the feedlot the first impression I had of her was her approaching me and gently resting her head in my chest followed by taking a big breath of relief, so it felt. There were so many emotions I was receiving from her and I knew we couldn't leave her behind. The meaning of the word Lakota is "friend" and she was given this name because she has been one of the friendliest horses to come through this sanctuary. Lakota has taken the longest time to recover on the body scale out of most of our horses because when we picked her up off the lot she was underweight and couldn't walk right because of her extreme case of overgrown hooves. For the first two months of her being here she had been on and off limping, but because of that she simply got to live life in the pasture as a horse. I think this was one of the most healing aspects for Lakota as she had been a working horse most of her life then simply tossed aside when they were done with her. Since August, Lakota is gaining weight like a pro, has had multiple farrier visits and is almost in her full stages of recovery! Lakota was giving one lesson a week to a young gal who adores her, and as of December 2019 decided to officially adopt Lakota giving her the home she truly deserves!
Click here to meet our next horse, Penny!
Saturday, September 6, 2025 at 4:00p.m.
Information, Ticket, Tables, & Sponsorships are now available.